Matina Katraki Pavlou
Post doc
Matina is born in Piraeus, Greece. In 2009, she moved at Ioannina for her undergraduate studies in the Department of Biological Applications and Technologies, at the Ioannina University. She did her dissertation in the Developmental Biology laboratory, studying the cell cycle at the early mammals’ embryo development. In 2015, she participated as a graduate student in an exchange Erasmus+ placement program and joined the Integrative
Zoology department at Institute of Biology, University of Leiden, The Netherlands. In that six months experience, she met (and adore!) the zebrafish model, focusing on gene expression analysis of gluconeogenesis related treatments. In 2016, she joined the Beis lab in BRFAA as PhD student, where she studied the zebrafish development cardiovascular system and early angiogenesis. At the same time, she did her Master in The Departments of Pharmacy- Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology at the University of Patras, where she investigated the role of pharmacological inhibition in zebrafish cardiac development. In 2020, she worked as a research assistant in Pharmacology lab in BRFAA, focusing on the role of hydrogen sulfide in the vasculature and the metabolism in mice. Now, she is back to the zebrafish lab in BRFAA as a Post-Doc, studying the sonic hedgehog molecular pathway in zebrafish embryonic development.